Batman Year One:
Batman Year One is the story of Batman and Lt. James Gordon's first year defending the streets of Gotham City, and the problems that they encounter along the way on their first year on the job. Batman Year One is written by Frank Miller, and I must say that Frank Miller did an excellent job with this book( I will go into this in detail below). This is a must read for Batman fans in my opinion. Not only do you get an early tale of the Batman but one of the stories main focal points is Lt. James Gordon. Now if you never really cared for Gordon in the past and you haven't read this book I would suggest that you go out and read this book. your opinion might change after reading it, and for those of you who have read this story you can understand where I'm coming from by saying that. Frank Miller puts Gordon into a whole new light in Year One.
Now on to the breakdown:
The Story - 5 out of 5 : As readers will find out that as much as this is a Batman story it is a Gordon story as well as i had sated in the above paragraph. Frank Miller did an excellent job writing all the characters in this story. There was not a moment in the story when the character felt like any less then who they were supposed to be. The story was very consistent and didn't feel choppy the story was well put together from beginning to end.
Art- 5 out of 5 : The art was done up by David Mazzucchelli. The story and the art in this book fit well hand in hand in my opinion. At first the art work can be a turn off to some but stick with it you will see how well the story and the art go together. The color tones used by Richmond Lewis gave the book and the art the correct feel.
Overall- 5 out of 5 : Great story, great art, great tones is all one could ask for out of not just a year one story arc but a comic book as well.
(on a side note these are of my opinion and to be taken that way in no way shape or form am i saying that this is the absolute truth on this book. i am just am here having fun and sharing with you my thoughts on a book in hopes that you might have enjoyed it as much as i had)
Photo found on photobucket.
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