Hank Pym (Yellow Jacket, Ant-Man, wife beater, Skrull) the story tells just how long a Skrull was impersonating Hank Pym and why Hank Pym is a central piece in the Skrull's invasion of earth.
This review I didn't go with a detailed plot description to try and keep my Secret Invasion reviews to a minimum on spoilers. But I will say any one who has been following the Mighty Avengers title will see a lot of nice tie ins to earlier stories( it fits in nicely so if you are new to comics and getting into comics with the secret invasion you won't really be thrown off too much). It also raises a few more questions with the Secret Invasion. The art fits the story well.
Story ****(out of 4)
art ****(out of 4)
Overall ****(out of 4)
If you been following the Secret Invasion or the Mighty Avengers I really do suggest this issue to you.
When did Hank and Jan get remarried? The whole thing takes place just before breakout, the new girl says she knows he's married, Hank says he's separated because she left, Jan says he's soon to be very ex (there is no other way to read those three things except a remarriage).
not sure i know that they got back together for a bit ( and that was discussed in an issue of mighty avengers ) so it could have been that they never finalized the divorce ?
The divorce was finalized back in the 200s. Hence Hank proposing to her again in Las Vegas towards the end of volume 3. Was just curious. Anyway, thanks for the nice site.
yeah wasn't sure about their relationship timeline but im glad your enjoying the site.
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