Skaar son of Hulk is here. This issue was a nice introduction for Skaar and a nice follow up to anyone who read the Planet and WW Hulk stories. How ever if you hadn't read them you will be caught up in the action and given the back story. As it goes for this issue it was a very fast read not really too much dialog going on in the story but this is the case of pictures speaking louder than words. From my point of view Skarr with some of his actions seems a bit more savage then the Hulk. This series looks like it's going to take off in a great direction. Keep checking back for future in depth reviews on this title.
Story *** (out of 4)
Art ****(out of 4)
over all ***1/2 (out of 4)
I really liked this issue I would like to go more in depth about this issue how ever with a lot of the action showing up in the pictures I really don't want to give too much away.
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