and the C.A.P storyline wraps up in this issue.after both the teams of avengers (Iron Man's Registered avengers and Luke Cage's underground Avengers) tried to stop C.A.P's rampage on destroying all the most powerful spots on our earth Reed created the Anti Galactus(basicily a Galactus looking robot with a huge fantastic 4 symbol on his chest.) to battle Alyssa's C.A.P (Conserve And Protect) Reed going of a hunch that not only did Alyssa program C.A.P to protect herself and her husband but also reed. once C.A.P sensed Reed's Bio-signature he stood down and that gave reed the window he needed to beat C.A.P. once C.A.P was destroyed Reed said his final goodbyes to Alyssa (Alyssa was very presumptuous here thinking that he would leave sue for her) and went to spend some time with Sue. while Johnny came in to find his new super- villain girlfriend waiting for him. after all seem to be on the quite side Ben was approached by a sitter for the kids when Dr.Doom bust in looking for Reed.................
Over all
story **1/2 (out of 4)
art *** (out of 4)
over all ***
a nice little wrap up to the story the lead-in to next months issue has already got me hooked
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