The Secret Invasion continues in this issue this time jumping up to current speed when the superheros of the 70's come out of that skrull ship and start to battle the heroes of now. This issue is all bout the Sentry/Void. For those of you who might not know the Void is the Sentry's split personality who is the exact opposite of the Sentry for all the good the sentry does the void does the exact opposite. The issue starts off with a past experience with the Sentry trying to take down the Void after committing a crime. While this is going on the Sentry encounters a Skrull ship on earth heading towards the Baxter Building. The Sentry takes the ship out of earth's atmosphere and takes a blast dead on. The Sentry awakes to find him self in an examining room with Reed Richard in the Baxter Building. Reed explains to the Sentry who the Skrulls are and why they hate him. Months later Jarvis(who is a Skrull at this point) has a privet conversation with tony stark about how he wished he had know more about the Sentry so he could prevent something like what happened with Wanda(a.k.a the Scarlet Witch) from happening again to better sever the Sentry. Tony assures Jarvis that what happened was nothing he could have prevented but he gives Jarvis the ok to have access to the Sentry's file. The Skrulls have deemed that the Sentry/Void would be their greatest weapon in the secret invasion but only as the void. so the Skrulls begin to discuss on how to corrupt the sentry. Fast forward to now during the Sentry's battle with Vision (a Skrull). Vision transforms him self into the void making Sentry think that the Void is back and it's all his fault. Sentry flips out and flys away from his friends in battle way above the earths atmosphere and then it happens. A Skrull who is about to attack the Sentry's wife Lindy is decimated by a shadowy figure(of whom Lindy believes to be her husband) but when he comes to light he is no long the Sentry " Bob ran away he couldn't take it and ran way" said the figure it was the Void.....................
over all
great story Bendis strikes gold again (was there any doubt of that though) my props goes off to him fro this amazing issue.
Story **** (out of 4)
art****(out of 4)
overall **** (out of 4)
what are you waiting for go out and buy this issue
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