Wow what a month it's been with the release of the Iron man movie and the looming news of Iron man II, Captain America,Thor, and The Avengers as all upcoming releases out of Marvel Studios it has been a great month for comic book fans everywhere. Not only has silver screen given us our enjoyment for May but so has our regular form of media as well. May has brought us the second part of the Secret Invasion but it also has brought the start of the Final Crisis in the DC universe. Iron man our hero of the month here has had a great month for comics as well. Not only did the Invincible Iron Man kick off this month with issue number 1 but the close to the haunted storyline in Iron Man Director of S.H.I.E.L.D book( with a fantastically drawn battle between Iron Man and the Mandarin)as well. Also in the world of good ol shell head we had Iron Man Via Las Vegas which is written by Jon Favreau (director of the Iron Man movie). Moving away from the world of Iron Man the Invaders( a WWII Avengers) came into our current time line to face off against both teams of Avengers in Avengers/Invaders #1 ( could we be seeing a lead up to something that might get Iron Man's A$$ whooped again). Keeping with the Avengers May also brought us to an end of the current roster of Initiative hopefuls (sad to see them go i really am) and the entrance of the Void. With the end of one team we get to see the birth of another. this time a group of "caterpillars" (a.k.a Nick Fury's new Howling Commandos) lets hope to see much more of them in June. speaking about birth Marvel this month gave birth to some new titles this month as well Captain Britain and MI:13, and Guardians of the Galaxy both were
real great issues. Hulk who is on the horizon for June with his new movie had 2 great giant sized issues come out this month Giant Sized Hulk #1 and King Sized Hulk#1 not only did they include a new story in each but the also included a retro issue in each (Hulk annual #7 in Giant Sized Hulk #1 and the first appearance of Wolverine in King Sized Hulk #1). King Sized Hulk came out today(review will be up on Friday. Finally may also gave us the long awaited Thunderbolts #120 which was the return of the Green Goblin him self and Thunderbolts Reason in Madness both were great issues and should not be missed.

in closing may was action packed and June has the same outlook not only do we get the Hulk Movie but we also get a son of the Hulk Comic and continuations on secret invasion and final crisis and batman rip.
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