Monday, November 24, 2008
Yes we haven't updated in a while but i am back and i will be reconstructing the site with a new format hope all of you will be back on Dec. 3rd to see the brand new structure.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Hero of the month
Hero of the month voting is still in your hands. To put in who you would like to see just comment this post. The hero with the most nominations will be July's hero of the month. Heroes can be from all over the comic universe
Friday, June 27, 2008
Mighty Avengers #15

Hank Pym (Yellow Jacket, Ant-Man, wife beater, Skrull) the story tells just how long a Skrull was impersonating Hank Pym and why Hank Pym is a central piece in the Skrull's invasion of earth.
This review I didn't go with a detailed plot description to try and keep my Secret Invasion reviews to a minimum on spoilers. But I will say any one who has been following the Mighty Avengers title will see a lot of nice tie ins to earlier stories( it fits in nicely so if you are new to comics and getting into comics with the secret invasion you won't really be thrown off too much). It also raises a few more questions with the Secret Invasion. The art fits the story well.
Story ****(out of 4)
art ****(out of 4)
Overall ****(out of 4)
If you been following the Secret Invasion or the Mighty Avengers I really do suggest this issue to you.
Hero of the month in your hands

It's that time again for the next hero of the month. Instead of us choosing what the next one wold be I'm leaving it in the hands of you the reader. To submit the hero of the month just comment below who you would like to see as the hero of the month. The hero with the most votes will be July's hero of the month. The deadline for this is by wed 7/2 at 11:59 pm. The hero will be posted on Friday. Also this week we got a late review do to unforeseen circumstances it will be posted on Saturday. Normally look for the 3 new titles to be posted on Thursday nights and older reviews on Friday nights.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Huntress Year One #4

The Huntress has her showdown with Mandragora . After taking care of some very incompetent lackeys Helena pins Mandragora to the wall with two bows in the palm of of each of his hands. While he teases her that he knows that she hasn't killed before and that she wont kill him he brakes one of his hand free and grabs his drink from the downstairs party that he was having and tosses it right at Helena. Helena the shoots a bow in his heart. She quickly jumps out of the window with no second look and hides while some more of Mandragora's "special" security checks out the noise that they just heard. But the Pope who is in the courtyard knows that it's Helena and that he tells her that he thought the good capes didn't kill. He tells her that the man that pulled the trigger, that killed her family was inside that party and that he would be at the funeral for Mandragora . As the pope said the hired thug was at the funeral and after it was done she followed him and waited. Thinking that she had him, she sprung into action but was caught of guard. The man making short work of Helena told her that when she gets better at this she was welcome to try again and then he would have the privilege of killing her then, but now he was heading to Gotham. Not liking the fact that she shouldn't go after him right now again and heal her wounds or as well as heading back to Gotham, she does to kill her Family's killer. She returns to Gotham and finds that the man that she had feelings for Tony, was now married and that the wedding reception was at Wayne Manor and since Tony's father was a known boss she made her way to the reception to find her family's killer and finish this once and for all. But at the same time Bruce "The Batman" Wayne had a sting operation going on to take down Tony's father as well.
I really like this story, I like the direction it's heading in. It's a real nice evenly paced story not to choppy or slow going. The pace of it is real great. I know it's nearing the end of the series and it's gonna be a shame for it to end. It just shows how bada$$ Huntress is. I really enjoyed her quick brush in with Barbra Gordon in the bar it was a real nice tie in for Birds of Prey Fans. Also she has plenty of stand out dialog as well in the issue.
Story **** (out of 4)
art ***** (out of 4)
Overall *****(out of 4)
Fans of Huntress YOU WILL ENJOY this, as well as Birds of Prey fans. so if you fit into one of those or you want a good read i really suggest that title to you.
Hulk #4

The Watcher appears to oversee the battle between the two Hulks (the red and the green) and the Red Hulk clocks the Watcher.(yes that's not a typo for as long as i have been reading comics that ranks as a top moment for me) While the watcher is down (with some humorous dialog from the Red Hulk) the Green Hulk gets up and charges right into battle. The Green Hulk gets some good ones on the Red Hulk. But that didn't last long at all, the Red Hulk got back into the battle and overpowered the Hulk breaking his arm and subduing him and rendering him unconscious. Meanwhile Iron Man Trying to find out more to the mystery of the Red Hulk when Maria Hill shows up with a shredded coat drenched in Gamma Radiation a coat that belonged to Doc Samson. When the Green Hulk a wakes he is High above a bridge with the Red Hulk looking down on him gloating about the importance of this to him. Pulling out a gun and trying to kill the Hulk, Hulk then biting the gun and making it useless then starts to rumble with the Red Hulk high above. But it didn't take Red hulk long to put the green one down. While high above the Red Hulk gloats again saying that no one can take him down that he is the strongest. But at that same time the Mighty Thor appears to correct his statement.
I really did like this issue it had a bunch of moments that were instant classics such as the Red Hulk beating on the Watcher and the battle between the two Hulks which was done up great by Ed McGuinness. I hear a lot of people saying that the Red Hulk is Samson but I really have to disagree with that statement due to the fact that it is way too obvious for it to be Samson. It's a great read to pick up and enjoy and you won't be sorry that you did.
Story **** (out of 4)
art **** (out of 4)
overall ***** (out of 4)
A must read in my opinion something all readers can enjoy I'm not a huge fan of way too cartoony art but the battle between the two Hulks just kicked A$$.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Groups Update
We have a huge update in the group picture albums :
Albums were added for Batgirl (Cassandra Cain), Robin (Tim Drake), Ms. Marvel, Sentry, Black Widow, Spider-Man, and Thing
Pictures were added to albums: Superman, and Hulk
If Your a member already head over now to check it out. If not click below to sign up (note a Yahoo ID is required to join)
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Albums were added for Batgirl (Cassandra Cain), Robin (Tim Drake), Ms. Marvel, Sentry, Black Widow, Spider-Man, and Thing
Pictures were added to albums: Superman, and Hulk
If Your a member already head over now to check it out. If not click below to sign up (note a Yahoo ID is required to join)

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Sunday, June 22, 2008
New Review Schedule
Updates For New Comics Will be Posted on Thursday Nights
Updates For Back Issues Will be posted on Friday Nights
Updates For Back Issues Will be posted on Friday Nights
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Wolverine #66

The old man Logan story starts here. The villains had finally beaten the heroes. With some dead and some in exile the universe had became a changed place. None can officially confirm what happened to the man known as Wolverine other than that he had disappeared. 50 years latter we see Logan now settled down with 2 kids and a wife. That wasn't the only change for Logan his attitude was the biggest no longer the enraged Wolverine but now he is now more of a pacifist. But life isn't easy still for Logan. Facing with not coming up with his"rent" money in this new world Logan encounters the Hulk gang ( Bruce "The Hulk" Banner's grandchildren). Who is trying to collect on Logan's debt for his rent. The Hulk gang Beats Logan down and tells him he owes double next month. Hawkeye (now Blind) comes to tend to Logan's wounds. This is when Hawkeye tells Logan that he has a job for him. He needs a package to be delivered across country and he needs Logan to be the navigator. The job would pay 500.00 if Logan took it. Logan understanding that it's a lot of money accepts the job and heads out with Hawkeye to now changed world......
story**** (out of 4)
art ****(out of 4)
overall **** (out of 4)
I really enjoyed this issue. My only concerns with it right now are that it's an 8 issue story i just hope that they don't get too caught up in a back story that it takes away from the actually story. Or that the story doesn't begin to get redundant after a while. I think that this would have been great for it's own mini series but not a part of the Wolverine title. But over all it's a great issue the art is amazing and the story is a very interesting one that should get you hooked. So go out and grab this one.
Birds Of Prey #119

The move to Platinum Flats isn't really working out well for the Huntress. After saving two police officers and a group of bystanders from the armored villain known as Carface she doesn't quite receive the heroes welcome from the public. While the same can't be said for Lady Blackhawk who seems to let a lot more roll off her back then Huntress. Misfit who is still trying to make sense of what Black Alice told her reluctantly tells Oracle. When Oracle tells her that she can find out if the information is true Misfit doesn't really want to know the answer. While Oracle's motives for moving their base of operations is kept to her self she turns to her "informant" the Calculator ( a former adversary) on more information on the going ons in Platinum Flats. Came to the Oracle after he walked in a a group trying to grab some hi-tech gadgets from a recently apprehended Villain. he was their with the same intentions as the group but now he found him self on the run for his life and that's when he contacted Oracle.With his information the crime in platinum flats as well as his mishap and the erasing of Manhunters mind are all connected. While on surveillance duty Manhunter Runs into a former birds of Prey the Black Canary. when Black Canary ask her why she is waiting her family from the shadows Manhunter offers no explanation but a fight. A fight that both are eager to take.
Story *** (out of 4)
Art ***(out of 4)
Overall *** (out of 4)
I really like where this arc is heading it has a lot of promise and lot to fill in. lets hope that in the coming weeks they can keep it all together.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Skaar son of Hulk #1

Skaar son of Hulk is here. This issue was a nice introduction for Skaar and a nice follow up to anyone who read the Planet and WW Hulk stories. How ever if you hadn't read them you will be caught up in the action and given the back story. As it goes for this issue it was a very fast read not really too much dialog going on in the story but this is the case of pictures speaking louder than words. From my point of view Skarr with some of his actions seems a bit more savage then the Hulk. This series looks like it's going to take off in a great direction. Keep checking back for future in depth reviews on this title.
Story *** (out of 4)
Art ****(out of 4)
over all ***1/2 (out of 4)
I really liked this issue I would like to go more in depth about this issue how ever with a lot of the action showing up in the pictures I really don't want to give too much away.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Incredible Hulk

Marvel Studios strikes gold with the Incredible Hulk movie. After the Iron Man movie I my self thought that Marvel would have to pull off and incredible( no pun intended) feat to have a double hitter and they did. The Hulk movie offered so much character advancement as well as the room to add more characters into their movie universe. Plus all the connections it made with the Iron Man movie was great to keeping the Marvel movie universe together. The portrayal of the characters were a+. Norton was great as Banner/Hulk, and William Hurt was a real Ba$%!@d as General Ross. I would go into detail but i really don't want to ruin the movie for the people who haven't seen it yet. There is plenty of stuff for fans of the comics, fans of the old TV series as well as a whole new generation of fans. My hat goes off to marvel for another big hit and as well to the continued success of the upcoming Marvel movies.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
X-Force : I ain't no dog One Shot
This one shot story covers two stories one of Wolverine and the other of James Proudstar. the first story is about wolverine on a recon mission to bring back a Chip in planted in some guys head that shows up on Cerebro as a new mutant. Wolverine tracks down the guy and has some Logan style fun with him until some Purifiers show up and Wolverine tears through them like sheets of tissue paper. After that he removes the implant in the guys head.
The second story covers James Proudstar tracking down a bear that killed a stray dog that he took in. While Warpath is tracking down the bear his mind battles with the fact of how can he live himself after all the killing he's done on X-Force. He meets up with the bear and notices the bear is caught in some barbed wire instead of killing the bear he frees it from it's plight and then begins to realize that one day he won't have to kill again and hopefully that one day will come but he never wants to forget the killings that he has done.
The two stories were what you could expect from a one shot comic. I really enjoyed the Wolverine one especially after last weeks wolverine one shot.
story (part 1) *** (out of 4)
art ** (out of 4)
story (part 2) ***(out of 4)
art *** (out of 4)
over all *** (out of 4)
I really like the X-Force and I recommend this title to any one who enjoys X-Force. Both stories are decent and the art as well. No knock on the artist in part one but i just can't gt used to that art style. But from speaking with others they did think the art was decent.
The second story covers James Proudstar tracking down a bear that killed a stray dog that he took in. While Warpath is tracking down the bear his mind battles with the fact of how can he live himself after all the killing he's done on X-Force. He meets up with the bear and notices the bear is caught in some barbed wire instead of killing the bear he frees it from it's plight and then begins to realize that one day he won't have to kill again and hopefully that one day will come but he never wants to forget the killings that he has done.
The two stories were what you could expect from a one shot comic. I really enjoyed the Wolverine one especially after last weeks wolverine one shot.
story (part 1) *** (out of 4)
art ** (out of 4)
story (part 2) ***(out of 4)
art *** (out of 4)
over all *** (out of 4)
I really like the X-Force and I recommend this title to any one who enjoys X-Force. Both stories are decent and the art as well. No knock on the artist in part one but i just can't gt used to that art style. But from speaking with others they did think the art was decent.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Amazing Spider-Man #562

Two Spider-Mans how could it be? Well this month in Amazing Spider-Man we find out. After the events of Peter's paparazzi job with the "new" Daily Bugle. Peter finds him self down and out yet again as Brand New Day continues. While Peter tries to learn more information on the "spider-tracer" killings the Basher put an on-line challenge for spidey to show up and fight him with out his webs. At the same time a bar where a gathering of some familiar "spidey-foes" are watching the challenge being issued the bookie now offers to take bets on if spidey will show most of the villains be live Spidey wont so they all place there bets. Peter who has seen the video on the net decides to play it safe and go as Peter Parker. The Basher keeps calling out to Spidey and still a no show the gathering of villains watching the broadcast in the bar be live that they have their bets won and are looking to be paid when all of a sudden Spidey shows up and deals with the Basher. Peter who is watching this knows that's not spidey and swings into action. After a lengthy chase Spidey (the real one) catches the impostor and unmasks him. It turns out that the "fake" Spider-Man was in fact Screwball a villain from a couple of issues ago who aired her crimes on the net. She tells Spider-Man that the Bookie payed her bail and offered her more money to go and take out the Basher as Spider-Man. Spidey takes the address where this Bookie can be found and heads off. Meanwhile the villains got wise to the Bookies attempt to try and cheat them after trying to weasel himself out of it the villains all gang up on the Bookie then the real Spider-Man shows up right in the middle of a gathering of some of his foes.
It was a decent issue to say the least I'm looking forward to where this title is going with the Spidey killings but to me it seems that it's really taking a while to get there. Don't get me wrong I'm one for a real nice set up into something but this seems like it has been dragged out for a while now. Other than my little fan-boy complaint i enjoyed the new writer on ASM Bob Gale. and the art was really decent.
story **1/2 (out of 4)
art ***(out of 4)
over all ***(out of 4)
Like i said before not a bad story at all but the lack of heading towards the spidey killings has really slowed down the story.
It was a decent issue to say the least I'm looking forward to where this title is going with the Spidey killings but to me it seems that it's really taking a while to get there. Don't get me wrong I'm one for a real nice set up into something but this seems like it has been dragged out for a while now. Other than my little fan-boy complaint i enjoyed the new writer on ASM Bob Gale. and the art was really decent.
story **1/2 (out of 4)
art ***(out of 4)
over all ***(out of 4)
Like i said before not a bad story at all but the lack of heading towards the spidey killings has really slowed down the story.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
June 2008
As of June 6 2008 we will be exclusively writing reviews for comic books new frontier and will be apart of their site please check at for all my new updates
Thursday, May 29, 2008
the last week of may

Wow what a month it's been with the release of the Iron man movie and the looming news of Iron man II, Captain America,Thor, and The Avengers as all upcoming releases out of Marvel Studios it has been a great month for comic book fans everywhere. Not only has silver screen given us our enjoyment for May but so has our regular form of media as well. May has brought us the second part of the Secret Invasion but it also has brought the start of the Final Crisis in the DC universe. Iron man our hero of the month here has had a great month for comics as well. Not only did the Invincible Iron Man kick off this month with issue number 1 but the close to the haunted storyline in Iron Man Director of S.H.I.E.L.D book( with a fantastically drawn battle between Iron Man and the Mandarin)as well. Also in the world of good ol shell head we had Iron Man Via Las Vegas which is written by Jon Favreau (director of the Iron Man movie). Moving away from the world of Iron Man the Invaders( a WWII Avengers) came into our current time line to face off against both teams of Avengers in Avengers/Invaders #1 ( could we be seeing a lead up to something that might get Iron Man's A$$ whooped again). Keeping with the Avengers May also brought us to an end of the current roster of Initiative hopefuls (sad to see them go i really am) and the entrance of the Void. With the end of one team we get to see the birth of another. this time a group of "caterpillars" (a.k.a Nick Fury's new Howling Commandos) lets hope to see much more of them in June. speaking about birth Marvel this month gave birth to some new titles this month as well Captain Britain and MI:13, and Guardians of the Galaxy both were
real great issues. Hulk who is on the horizon for June with his new movie had 2 great giant sized issues come out this month Giant Sized Hulk #1 and King Sized Hulk#1 not only did they include a new story in each but the also included a retro issue in each (Hulk annual #7 in Giant Sized Hulk #1 and the first appearance of Wolverine in King Sized Hulk #1). King Sized Hulk came out today(review will be up on Friday. Finally may also gave us the long awaited Thunderbolts #120 which was the return of the Green Goblin him self and Thunderbolts Reason in Madness both were great issues and should not be missed.

in closing may was action packed and June has the same outlook not only do we get the Hulk Movie but we also get a son of the Hulk Comic and continuations on secret invasion and final crisis and batman rip.
Mighty Avengers #14

The Secret Invasion continues in this issue this time jumping up to current speed when the superheros of the 70's come out of that skrull ship and start to battle the heroes of now. This issue is all bout the Sentry/Void. For those of you who might not know the Void is the Sentry's split personality who is the exact opposite of the Sentry for all the good the sentry does the void does the exact opposite. The issue starts off with a past experience with the Sentry trying to take down the Void after committing a crime. While this is going on the Sentry encounters a Skrull ship on earth heading towards the Baxter Building. The Sentry takes the ship out of earth's atmosphere and takes a blast dead on. The Sentry awakes to find him self in an examining room with Reed Richard in the Baxter Building. Reed explains to the Sentry who the Skrulls are and why they hate him. Months later Jarvis(who is a Skrull at this point) has a privet conversation with tony stark about how he wished he had know more about the Sentry so he could prevent something like what happened with Wanda(a.k.a the Scarlet Witch) from happening again to better sever the Sentry. Tony assures Jarvis that what happened was nothing he could have prevented but he gives Jarvis the ok to have access to the Sentry's file. The Skrulls have deemed that the Sentry/Void would be their greatest weapon in the secret invasion but only as the void. so the Skrulls begin to discuss on how to corrupt the sentry. Fast forward to now during the Sentry's battle with Vision (a Skrull). Vision transforms him self into the void making Sentry think that the Void is back and it's all his fault. Sentry flips out and flys away from his friends in battle way above the earths atmosphere and then it happens. A Skrull who is about to attack the Sentry's wife Lindy is decimated by a shadowy figure(of whom Lindy believes to be her husband) but when he comes to light he is no long the Sentry " Bob ran away he couldn't take it and ran way" said the figure it was the Void.....................
over all
great story Bendis strikes gold again (was there any doubt of that though) my props goes off to him fro this amazing issue.
Story **** (out of 4)
art****(out of 4)
overall **** (out of 4)
what are you waiting for go out and buy this issue
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
fantastic 4 #557

and the C.A.P storyline wraps up in this issue.after both the teams of avengers (Iron Man's Registered avengers and Luke Cage's underground Avengers) tried to stop C.A.P's rampage on destroying all the most powerful spots on our earth Reed created the Anti Galactus(basicily a Galactus looking robot with a huge fantastic 4 symbol on his chest.) to battle Alyssa's C.A.P (Conserve And Protect) Reed going of a hunch that not only did Alyssa program C.A.P to protect herself and her husband but also reed. once C.A.P sensed Reed's Bio-signature he stood down and that gave reed the window he needed to beat C.A.P. once C.A.P was destroyed Reed said his final goodbyes to Alyssa (Alyssa was very presumptuous here thinking that he would leave sue for her) and went to spend some time with Sue. while Johnny came in to find his new super- villain girlfriend waiting for him. after all seem to be on the quite side Ben was approached by a sitter for the kids when Dr.Doom bust in looking for Reed.................
Over all
story **1/2 (out of 4)
art *** (out of 4)
over all ***
a nice little wrap up to the story the lead-in to next months issue has already got me hooked
comic reviews for last week: Birds Of Prey #118

This was the first birds of prey issue i read since getting back to comics and let me tell you it was very worth it. The story was great along with the artwork had gotten me to go back and read more Birds Of Prey issues.
#118 starts off with this club referred to as "the Dark Side Club" this club is sort of a female fight club for super powered women and the reigning champion is Misfit. after wining her battle Misfit trys to get free but is put down by by granny then is taken to her holding cell where she finds Black Alice. Misfit Explains on how she was captured and brought to this place where she is drugged( some sort of mind control drug) into fighting others and her powers only work in the arena. Alice asks Misfit if she can port them both out of there but before Misfit can explain why she can't teleport two people at once Alice "Browes" Misfit's powers. trying to find a way out Alice stumbles upon a conversation in which is stated that test ran on Misfit and Alice shows that they are related. the Alice is caught and drugged into fighting Misfit. Misfit drugged up as well starts the Battle off taking it to Black Alice. Alice being strong trying to resist the drug draws out the power of the demon Etrigan and turns the tide of the battle but before she could finish the battle she remembers what she overheard about them being related snaps back to reality and stops the battle. Granny again trys to drug Alice into Killing Misfit but Alice again borrowing the powers of misfit teleports granny and her self outside where she finds of first hand why Misfit cant teleport two people at once. the other whom ports with her gets killed Misfit then teleports outside. Alice explains to Misfit how she felt during their battle and hands her a note and tells her to head back to Oracle as she runs off into the night. back at platinum heights Misfit reads the letter that explains what she overheard back at the dark side club....... continued next month.
over all ........
story ***(out of 4)
art ***(out of 4)
overall *** (out of 4)
#118 starts off with this club referred to as "the Dark Side Club" this club is sort of a female fight club for super powered women and the reigning champion is Misfit. after wining her battle Misfit trys to get free but is put down by by granny then is taken to her holding cell where she finds Black Alice. Misfit Explains on how she was captured and brought to this place where she is drugged( some sort of mind control drug) into fighting others and her powers only work in the arena. Alice asks Misfit if she can port them both out of there but before Misfit can explain why she can't teleport two people at once Alice "Browes" Misfit's powers. trying to find a way out Alice stumbles upon a conversation in which is stated that test ran on Misfit and Alice shows that they are related. the Alice is caught and drugged into fighting Misfit. Misfit drugged up as well starts the Battle off taking it to Black Alice. Alice being strong trying to resist the drug draws out the power of the demon Etrigan and turns the tide of the battle but before she could finish the battle she remembers what she overheard about them being related snaps back to reality and stops the battle. Granny again trys to drug Alice into Killing Misfit but Alice again borrowing the powers of misfit teleports granny and her self outside where she finds of first hand why Misfit cant teleport two people at once. the other whom ports with her gets killed Misfit then teleports outside. Alice explains to Misfit how she felt during their battle and hands her a note and tells her to head back to Oracle as she runs off into the night. back at platinum heights Misfit reads the letter that explains what she overheard back at the dark side club....... continued next month.
over all ........
story ***(out of 4)
art ***(out of 4)
overall *** (out of 4)
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